Arya Alsahiir . 35 . they/them . Pacific Time ( GMT+7/8)
Arya Alshaiir
❛ A Thavnairian Born Miqo'te-Au Ra Hybrid who has made their home in Eorzea. Former Scion. Scholar and Dancer. Bartender. Tarot Reader. ❜
Rule 001.
Communication and Respect are key!
I prefer open communication and respect. If boundaries are crossed or at threat of being crossed, I want to know and likewise I will tell you. I reserve the right to refuse any Roleplay I'm not comfortable with.
Rule 002.
RP/Life Balance
Outside of Final Fantasy XIV, I am a streamer and artist. I have a life outside of the game and am not always available. I prefer to schedule things in advance if they're not spur of the moment meetups. If they are spur of the moment, I may not be immediately available. Please respect this balance.
Rule 003.
Separation of the Self
My character and I are different entities. Arya may express ideals or thoughts that I do not agree with or perform actions that I would never. Do not assume that I believe or even condone their thoughts or actions.
Rule 004.
Arya is Polyamorous, as such they have many partners. I do not accept jealousy or possessiveness of Arya. any attempt to separate them from their current relationships for personal benefit will be met with a blacklisting.
Rule 005.
Boundaries and Limits
I will RP with all races but I will not ERP with Lalafell or anyone who is under 18 nor whose character is under 18. I am NOT comfortable with Bathroom kinks, unsanitary kinks, non-consensual RP, or Degradation/Humiliation. Likewise, if a character is to suffer great harm or even death, I would like to discuss it before hand rather than finding out in the moment.
Do NOT Force anything on my character or me.
Rule 006.
RP Types
I am open to standard Roleplay, Casual Roleplay, Mature Roleplay, and even Explicit Roleplay. Not everything has to be about sex so if all you want is friendship, that's A-OK with me!
Rule 007.
Bigotry will be Blocked.
If you're a bigot or spout bigotry of any kind I will immediately block you. That means if you practice or spout racism, fascism, transphobia, homophobia, biphobia, panphobia, or anything along these lines, you'll be met with a hard block, no chance of survival.
Rule 008.
Arya is Agender and uses They/them pronouns. However I understand that for some people it may take some getting used to using neo-pronouns like they/them. If you slip up, it's fine. If you are intentionally misgendering Arya because they're using a female model, I will be having a talk with you. If you decide to fight me on it, then you'll be blocked.

name Arya Alsahiir.
alias Arya, Rya, Ar.
age 35.
pronouns They/Them explicitly.
species Seeker Miqo'te/Raen Au Ra.
birthdate 13th of the Sixth Astral Moon (11/13).
sexuality Pansexual Polyamorous.
origin Radz-at-Han.
location Eorzean/Ul'Dah.
mbti ENFJ-T.
alignment Neutral Good.
Arya has a bad habit of putting others before themselves. Generally polite and quiet when first introduced, they quickly become teasing and blunt when they get to know a person. They care deeply for other people, to the point of risking their own injury to ensure the safety of others. Naturally curious and inquisitive, Arya works hard at anything they care about but they often push themselves too far and are overly critical of their mistakes. They are a clever strategist when they want to be or have to be but their general focus tends to be reducing losses.
height 5'8".
weight Light.
build Thin, Pear-shaped.
eyes Vibrant Pink Left, Pale Green Right.
hair Green primary with Pink highlights.
notable marks White freckles dusting cheeks and nose.
scars Scar on left cheek, Scar around neck.
languages Hannish, Eorzean common.
etnicity Hannish.
faceclaim Imaan Hammam.
voiceclaim Emi Lo.
Strength ❀❀❀❀❀❀
Agility ❀❀❀❀❀❀
Resilience ❀❀❀❀❀❀
Intelligence ❀❀❀❀❀❀
Wisdom ❀❀❀❀❀❀
Charisma ❀❀❀❀❀❀
Confidence ❀❀❀❀❀❀
Persistence ❀❀❀❀❀❀
Patience ❀❀❀❀❀❀
Courage ❀❀❀❀❀❀
Creativity ❀❀❀❀❀❀
Conflict Resolution Arya is remarkably good at diffusing situations and resolve conflicts.
Charismatic People tend to like Arya.
Adaptable Arya is much like a columbine and will adapt and flourish in nearly any situation.
Understanding Arya works hard to Understand others and their feelings.
Loyal Arya is fiercely loyal to those they are close to.
High Standards Arya holds themselves and sometimes others to high standards. This often leads them to naysaying their abilities.
Self-Critical Often very critical of themselves, nothing is truly good enough for Arya.
Neglects Self-Care Because Arya often puts others first, they tend to neglect their own self-care leading to sleepless nights and weight loss.
Overextending Oftne overextends themselves in the desire to help everyone.
likes |
Tea, Tea Blending, Sweets, Enthusiastic Consent, People Taller than them, Their appearance, Decorating, Fashion, Painting, Creative Endeavors |
dislikes |
Simps, Unequal Power Dynamics, Being treated as Less Than, "Karens"(Over-entitled people), Harm of any kind, Bitter foods and drinks, Coffee |
Sixth Astral Era: 1542. Arya is born as C'atayun Indrajit to Odion Indrajit and C'amini Indrajit.
Sixth Astral Era: 1549. Odion Indrajit goes missing on a trading Voyage to Eorzea.
Sixth Astral Era: 1557. C'atayun stows away aboard a ship bound for Old Sharlayan before becoming Arya.
Sixth Astral Era: 1562. Arya leaves Old Sharlayan to Eorzea, despite the Exodus from the Sharlayan Hamlet. Arya experiences the Echo for the first time. They become and Arcanist and Assessor in Limsa Lominsa.
Sixth Astral Era: 1572. Arya is recruited into the Maelstrom and is forced into the Eorzean alliance at the Battle of Carteneau. While Louisoix prepares to summon The Twelve to their aid, Arya finds themselves whisked away by magic. They awake later in Mor Dhona with no memory of the results of the battle and no memory of who they fought alongside.
Seventh Umbral Era: Year 0-5. Arya begins studying the new ruins of Nym with Alka Zolka, meeting Surito Carito and becoming a Battle Scholar in the process. They meet Urianger later that year and join the Scions of the Seventh Dawn before learning about the Echo.
Seventh Umbral Era: Year 5. Arya assists in finding evidence of Primal summonings.
They evade getting captured or killed in the Massacre of the Waking Sands and assist the warrior of Light in burying their friends. Av oiding the Bloody Banquet, Arya continues working in the Rising Stones until their work takes them to Kugane where they learn not only of Primal summonings but how to cook traditional Hingan Cuisine. Eventually they're drawn into The First along with Urianger and assist him in his studies of Aether there among the denizens of Il Mheg. Arya loses their normal sight in one eye due to a failed experiment with light aether leading to light poisoning of their soul, leaving them with white freckles on their skin. Returning to The Source,they assist in Thavnair during the Final Days, fightinf off horrors and soothing the weary. Once the Scions disband, they turn to Tarot Reading to make money until they're offered a job at Amacitia to become a Bartender. ventually leaving Amacitia after a few months, luck would land them a job at Reverie where they work until this day.
BIOGRAPHY Spoilers for Endwalker Ahead.
Born to Odion and C'Amini Indrajit of the Indrajit Trading Company and current reigning Satrap
Arriving in Old Sharlayan, they took on the name of Arya and the gender identity of non-binary. Taken in by an elderly Elezen couple who sponsored them through school in Sharlayan, Arya attended the studium where they primarily studied Aetherology and wrote on Akasa to try and contribute to Old Sharlayan's knowledge. However, after being doubted and scorned for their writings on Akasa, they left to Limsa Lominsa where they would become an Arcanist.
Being young and of little coin, they agreed to become an Assessor until the Maelstrom took note of Arya's skill in Healing and tactics, recruiting them to tend to the frontlines against the Beast Tribes. This would find them on the field of Cartaneau facing off the Garlean Empire when Calamity struck. When all was over, they'd awake in Mor Dhonna with no memories of what happened on the field.
This is when they would meet Alka Zolka, a lalfellin Marauder with an interest in the battle tactics employeed by the fallen Nym, which had risen from the depths by the changes from the Calamity. While studying the ruins, they'd come into contact with the soulstone of surito Carito and gain the baility to summon Eos before meeitng Surito himself and learning the fate of the Scholars of Nym.
During their studies they would meet an Archon by the name of Urianger who was studying the Primal summonings from the beast tribes. Making quick friends, Urianger would eventually invite Arya to join the Scions of the Seventh Dawn and assist him in his missions, which they accepted.
Five years would pass, before the Warrior of Light would join the Scions and things began to change rapidly.
Eventually their studies would take them to Kugane, assisting the Warrior of Light once more before they'd suddenly fall into an unconscious state.
Their soul whisked off to The First, Arya would meet Urianger once more and assist him in his studies in Il Mheg, where they became entranced by the world of the Fae. The feeling seemed mutual as the fae expressed a desire to keep Arya multiple times. However, Arya attempted a dangerous experiment which left their aether polluted by Light, blinding them in their right eye to only see Light and Dark aether.
Eventually leaving the First, Arya would re-enter the Source with a newfound passion to locate the fae realm of the First, burying themselves in studies.
Finding themselve son their own and in need of coin to continue their studies, they would turn to the Augury that Urianger taught them to busk for coin until a business proposition would find them using their alchemy skills for bartending. Until this day, Arya still works as a Bartender and Tarot Reader though recent events have lead them to amass a small fortune through their inheritence of their family's trading company.

Zatarah Deadsong
Big brawny best wife. Being a Sea Wolf, Zatarah is drawn to the sea, spending a lot of her time as a Sailor.

Sarault Drevineux
A Noble Elezen from Ishgard, he and Arya have been dating for a little time now.

Luck'an Bairon
Most recent addition to the harem, Arya and Luck'an hit it off pretty well and have been dating for a little bit of time now.

Love Interest
Sheriff of a small town in Shaaloani. Arya and him have just met but Arya's quite smitten with him.

Koradhil Ranahiir
Ex-husband and Friend
Formerly Married to Arya, they split on amicable terms and remain friends.

Synne Wardin
A Garlean of interesting descent. Arya and her have only just met and their friendship is still blossoming.

Lavanda Kha
Momfriend and Venue Buddy
Hailing from the Steppe, Lavanda is fun to hang out with and hook up with guys.

C'amini Indrajit
Mother, Incarcerated
Arya's Mother. She hates them intensely to the point of making an attempt on arya's Life and sending assassins after Arya and their loved ones.

Odion Indrajit
Father, MIA
Arya's father. Former Satrap of Radz-at-Han. Went Missing 30 years ago.

Alphinaud Leveilleur
Scion, Little Brother Figure
Fellow Scion of the Seventh Dawn. Arya views him as a younger brother.

Alisaie Leveilleur
Scion, Little Sister Figure
Fellow Scion of the Seventh Dawn. Arya views her as a younger sister.

Minfilia Ward
Scion, Older Sister Figure
Leader of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn. Arya views her as an older sister even though she's younger than Arya.

Urianger Augurelt
Scion, Close Friend
Fellow Scion of the Seventh Dawn. Arya regards him as a close friend and ally. They can often be seen working together during their time as Scions.

Y'shtola Rhul
Scion, Older Sister Figure, Close Friend
Fellow Scion of the Seventh Dawn. Arya views her as an older sister and close friend. They admire her knowledge but never forget Y'shtola's more quirky side.

Thancred Waters
Scion, Younger Brother Figure
Fellow Scion of the Seventh Dawn. Arya regards him as a slightly younger brother. They tend to keep their distance from him because of his lecherous behavior in the past.

Yda Hext
Scion, Younger Sister Figure
Fellow Scion of the Seventh Dawn. Arya regards her as a younger sister.

Papalymo Totolymo
Scion, Older Brother Figure
Fellow Scion of the Seventh Dawn. He seems to keep Arya at a distance and they don't mind that.

Tataru Taru
Scion, Younger Sister Figure
Fellow Scion of the Seventh Dawn. Arya regards her as a younger sister and is almost always willing to help her out, no coercion required.

Krile Baldesion
Scion, Younger Sister Figure
Fellow Scion of the Seventh Dawn. Arya regards her as a younger sister despite her behavior.

Estinien Varlineau
Scion, Friend
Fellow Scion of the Seventh Dawn. Arya regards Estinien as merely a friend and is curious to know more about him.

G'raha Tia
Scion, Friend
Fellow Scion of the Seventh Dawn. Having only met him in The First, Arya's a bit wary around him.

As anNPC
Has the echo.
Is a Scion.
Has Ridiculous Luck.
Scholar Primary.
The Primary Universe. In this Universe Arya is but another Scion who becomes close with the Warrior of Light, enough so to be pulled to the First when the Exarch tried summoning the Warrior of Light.
Arya currently is the owner of the Indrajit Trading Company and Three Fates Tarot Parlor. They are the Co-owner of Unmei Izakaya and manager of Hell's Garden, Grandma's House, and Reverie. They work as a Bartender and Chef at The Crossroads, The Umbral Lounge and occasionally other venues.

Warrior of Light
Light Poisoned Aether.
Unwillingly Famous.
Scholar Primary, Dancer Secondary.
As the Warrior of Light, Arya's reputation precedes them as a hero among mankind. Being a skilled Scholar, they use their tactal knowledge to assist in the fight against those who wish harm upon the star. After the incidents in the First, Arya's physiology is irreversibly altered, leaving them with blinded aether sight in one eye, white freckles across their face, and light aligned aether.

Bad End
Lightwarden of the First.
Never went back to the Source.
Rather than allow the scions to join them in Amaurot when facing Emet-Selch, Arya goes alone. However the light aether imbalance is so strong that while present in the shade of a city, they become the Lightwarden known as Agape. The scions desperate fight Agape, trying to bring their friend back but end up falling and becoming Lightwardens and Sin Eaters themselves.
Tarot. Arya is a skilled Tarot Reader. They Run Three Fates Tarot Parlor from their home in The Goblet.
Artist. Arya is a skilled Artist, selling their services for Gil and Other Currency.
GPose Photographer. Arya can provide GPose Photography services for individuals, couples, and groups.
300k. SFW Single Person, 3 different poses.
500k. SFW, duos, 3 different poses.
600k. NSFW, Single, 3 Pictures, different poses.
1 mil. NSFW, Duos, 3 Pictures, different poses.
Group. To be Discussed.

I'm a 30 or 40 year old and I do not need this shit.With that out of the way, Hi, I'ma vtuber, I'm an artist, I also read Tarot and sew and crochet and needle felt--Can you tell I have ADHD yet? Yeah, I deal with ADHD and Depression sometimes anxiety. As a result I tend to make myself busy.Generally I'm pretty patient and easy going with people. I can be a tease sometimes if I know you well but I never mean any malice.
height Tall enough
weight A lot to love.
build curvy.
eyes Hazel
hair Green primary with Pink ombre
languages English, some Japanese.
etnicity American Born Hungarian.
Strength ❀❀❀❀❀❀
Agility ❀❀❀❀❀❀
Resilience ❀❀❀❀❀❀
Intelligence ❀❀❀❀❀❀
Wisdom ❀❀❀❀❀❀
Charisma ❀❀❀❀❀❀
Confidence ❀❀❀❀❀❀
Persistence ❀❀❀❀❀❀
Patience ❀❀❀❀❀❀
Courage ❀❀❀❀❀❀
Creativity ❀❀❀❀❀❀